
Luis Senna

I am a pseudonymous writer of video game lore, failed novels, and depressing poetry.

Twitter / Storygraph


I am looking for great writing by great writers. Or ambitiously flawed writing by ambitiously flawed writers. Humble writing. Narcissistic writing. Modern writing. Old school writing. Transgressive writing. Moral writing.

I like diary style fiction. I like essays about the love of reading. I like poetry with a modern cadence.

My favorite authors are Borges, Dickinson, Kafka, Lispector, Pessoa, Plath, Rhys, Walser, and Woolf.

Email a PDF with 1 to 3 pieces to: bibliopunk01@gmail.com

Estimated response time is two weeks.

Simultaneous submissions are fine. You don’t need to send a withdrawal if your submission is accepted elsewhere after two weeks.

We accept previously published pieces if they have been published for more than a year. (Let me know) We accept work previously posted on social media and personal websites.

All accepted submissions will be posted free for all readers and will remain free in the archive.

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Literature of the Disquiet


writer of video game lore, failed novels, and depressing poetry